Kim Dotcom And MegaUpload: The Full Controversial Story

Tech entrepreneur and owner of the popular file-sharing site, MegaUpload, Kim Dotcom arrived in New Zealand with his family in late 2010. Seeking peace and quiet, Dotcom rented the largest mansion in the land and settled down into an extravagant, luxurious life with his family.

In January 2012, it all came crashing down. At the FBI’s behest, 70 heavily armed officers stormed the mansion, arresting Dotcom and his coders on a range of charges relating to alleged copyright infringement by MegaUpload.

Dotcom refused to be quieted. Once out on bail he continued to make waves, gathering around him an unexpected and contradictory group of bedfellows, throwing raves, starting political parties, provoking the powerful and fighting the charges against him every step of the way.

People have an incredibly wide range of views: Is he a bit–stream pirate or a folk hero? An underdog taking on the US superpower or a thief? A wealthy businessman or a freedom–loving anarchist? All of the above?

Chris Watts: Criminal Confessions

In Chris Watts: Criminal Confessions, Investigators speak for the first time on one of the most baffling cases they’ve encountered, exposing the devastating truth about what happened to Shanann Watts and her two daughters at the hands of seemingly devoted husband and father, Chris Watts.

On August 13, 2018, pregnant Shannan Watts and her two daughters, four-year-old Bella and three-year-old Celeste vanished from their home in Colorado. As police began investigating their disappearance, Shannan’s husband Chris Watts spoke to TV stations outside his home and made an impassioned plea for his family’s safe return. Two days later, he was arrested for their murders.

Chris Watts was having an affair and wanted a new start in life. He pled guilty to first-degree murder and was sentenced to five life sentences on November 6, 2018.

Becoming Warren Buffett

Becoming Warren Buffett follows the life and career of the legendary investor from his early entrepreneurial endeavors to making his fortune in the stock market.

Known as The Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Aside from his private jet, however, he eschews opulence in favor of a simpler life.

Filmed with the full cooperation of the Buffet family, the documentary features interviews with the man himself and family members who discuss not only his business and investing side, but also his personal life and the relationships he has with those around him.